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Ashikaga, Tochigi, Japan and Springfield, Illinois, USA have been sister cities since 1990.  Over that time 167 delegation of students and citizens have flown across the Pacific Ocean to learn about each other's culture and History and to share hospitality and develop long lasting friendships.


Ashikaga is on the northern fringe of the Tokyo megalopolis.  To the south, about 40 miles distant, is the center of Tokyo and on a clear day the skyline can be seen from Ashikaga.  To the north are green mountains, the foothills of which cradle the city of Ashikaga


Visit the official Ashikaga website



Dates for the 2025 High School Student Delegation 

June 20 - June 30 

Application Deadline  March 15th


A unique opportunity open to Springfield area high school students.


·    10-day total immersion student exchange.  Students will live with a family in Ashikaga

·    Basic Japanese Language instruction

·    â€‹Meet the Mayor of Ashikaga and other dignitaries

·    Participate in a local festival - Japan Night!

·    Visit historic and cultural sites in and around Ashikaga


The delegation will include 10 high school students and 2 chaperones. 


Application deadline - March 15th ($200 deposit due)

Notification of Acceptance - First week of April

Orientation Sessions – April and May (attendance is mandatory)

Final Payment of program fees – First week in May


Estimated program fees - $3250 (travel, health insurance, incidentals)



Natalia Galica,

Rachel Lee,


Application material can be found through the "Apply" link above. 

© 2021 Sister Cities Association of Springfield, IL.

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